Posted in Awards, My Writing CorNERD

My First Award! Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award


Okay guys, forgive me for the major hiatus but school is totally taking over my life, which you can read more about this in my upcoming life update post coming soon. However, this post is dedicated to the person who nominated me for my first award, Sandy Hogan from Scribbles & Musings (which always makes me smile with her posts and cute pets). Don’t forget to check out her beautiful blog. Read more

I started this blog only 2 months ago, in July before school, and have definitely loved the blogging experience so far. I have met some awesome bloggers throughout my hiatus while I looking at some other amazing blogs, one which I have to thank in another awards post. Anyway, the blogging community has definitely welcome me with open arms and I have enjoyed every minute of it.

Once again, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart Scribbles & MusingsSandy Hogan for this nomination and I am definitely happy (and excited) to accept it. There are 5 steps that must completed, so…

The Rules:

  • Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.
  • List the Rules and Display the Brotherhood of the world Award logo to your post and/or blog.
  • Answer the questions set to you.
  • Nominate around ten bloggers. (Note: I can only nominate 9 since the rest will be nominated in another post)
  • Create your set of questions for your nominees.

Sandy’s Questions:

  • What prompted you to start blogging and how long have you been doing it?

I started this blog about two months ago because I wanted to share my tips for school on a large digital platform. Also, I wanted to document parts of my high school experience for others who may go through similar things and most importantly practice and be exposed to various writing styles in order to become a better writer. I already had experience designing blogs for my teachers, since I am very tech savvy and really good at custom designs (not to brag), and was really excited to start blogging.

  • Do you play music or prefer silence when writing?

Either way, I’m actually fine. Although, I type better in silence or with K-POP/Inspirational Music, I usually write surrounded by noise from my 2 little sisters. However, if I was to decide, it would be with music.

  • What inspires you?

LIFE. I find inspiration in almost anything around me – people, family, pins on Pinterest, music, history, quotes, etc. I have no specific pin point on what inspires me, but my main drive is to get better and to keep learning.

  • What makes you want to follow someone’s website?

A good post that hooks me. That’s all I need to click the “Follow” button.

  • What did you want to do when you grew up and what are you doing now?

Since I was kid I have gone through various stages of dream jobs but for now, I really have my sights on being Corporate Lawyer, because I LOVE LOVE LOVE debating. My current occupation is being a student, big sister and to become a better person as I mature.

My Nominations

Here are the  awesome bloggers, I nominate, in no specific order:

Your Questions:


  • What are your top three favorite things about blogging?
  • What is your current worst school experience? (Embarrassing moment, worst day of your life – no details required, just a short summary.)
  • What is one major piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to start blogging?
  • When did you realize you wanted to start blogging?
  • Who is one blogger you would love to meet in real life?

Okay, well I’m BACK (for now) and am very excited from upcoming posts (Owaysis – I’m still writing your nomination post) and want to thank all of you guys for reading my blog, because I have recently reached 1200+ views! You guys are all people of inspiration for me and total goals!

Thanks for Reading 😉😊,

Nerd Hope24


Still a nerd, but dealing with a lot of change. Brevity may not be my best friend but I know blogging will help me develop my voice and meet new people.

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